has hereby joined the worldwide web. Yes, it’s April 1, and no, it’s not a joke. Not intentionally anyway.
Still, it’s always nice to have a hook to hang your news on. So here are some other reasons why today makes sense for the launch. For one thing, it’s the first day of the year (on the Julian calendar, but still…). And honoring the Last Supper, it’s Maundy Thursday, “maundy” being an old English term involving the washing of other people’s feet.
We’re all for hygiene, but that’s really not a service we can provide. So we’re going to stick to what we do best: professional writing and communications. And we’ll just go with the season as our reason for today’s debut — springtime, birth and rebirth, darkness yielding to light. A little over the top maybe, but memorable.
So here we go. Join us as we blog on topics that strike us as noteworthy from a writing, marketing, or communications perspective. You’ll be in good company. And feel free to tug on our electronic sleeve anytime if you need what we provide unlike anyone else: professional writing and communication services.
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