Monday marks the return of Tiger Woods – to press conferences.
The golf legend faced off today against 200 reporters in Augusta, Georgia, the site of the Master’s tournament. It was his first such appearance since he ran his SUV into a tree last Thanksgiving, and his life off a cliff. Golf took a back seat as revelations tumbled out about his serial infidelity. Then came cancelled endorsement contracts and a stint in sexual compulsion rehab (missing his son’s first birthday in the process).
The media verdict: Tiger handled the barrage of questions very well, for the most part. And since the scandal has prompted scrutiny of his whole life, he was also asked about taking performance-enhancing drugs. “I’ve never taken any illegal drug in my life,” he said. A doctor named Anthony Galea treated Woods for an injured knee in 2008 and 2009. So he was asked about his knee … it’s fine. Easy putt.
Press conference humility and humor are a great way to get another whack at the ball, a fresh start — and firms like PubArts can be a great ally in media management of all sorts. For even in a culture like ours, as obsessed with celebrity come-uppance as Woods was with cocktail waitresses, we all love a winner. And winners get back up when they fall, or are knocked, off their pedestals. That line about there being “no second acts in American lives?” … So untrue.
For now, it seems like most everyone is ready for Tiger to begin another phase in his storied career by donning once again the green blazer bestowed on the tournament’s victor. “I’m going to try to go out and win this thing,” he declared. He also indicated his wife Elin wouldn’t be in attendance.